Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020....

The United Methodist Women Mission Focus for today is the Gum Moon Residence Hall in San Francisco, California.

Today is Palm Sunday, the Sixth Sunday in Lent.  There will be no processing with palm branches in our church today.  The churches in our Conference have been under closure orders since March 15 due to COVID-19.

We have been honoring Sunday by attending our Sunday School class via webinar, set up by our teacher.  By going to the church website, we are able to click on a video for worship by our own pastors each Sunday, and we have also worshipped through United Methodist Church of the Resurrection website.

Today, we will light a candle that will burn during the UMCOR service, then celebrate Holy Communion online.

May you find hope, joy, love, and peace on this day!  Take care, be safe, and stay well!

1 comment:

  1. Good Palm Sunday morning, Sister! I'm thankful for this technology that allows us to worship when we're unable to attend our normal church services. Today, there are two different services that I plan to watch via live stream. One of them is from our former church in the town that I miss so much! Then, there's our current church, live streaming from the parking lot service. Such a blessing to be able to be at church when I can't be at church! Have a blessed day, filled with love and hope. Love you!
