Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Last week....

Hello, friends!

Last week, we had the opportunity to vacation - with all the family - at Edisto Island, SC! Great fun for all of us, and I want to share some pictures with you.

Crossing the state line into South Carolina....

Arriving at the house where we stayed....

My first picture of the ocean....

Some of the houses viewed from the beach; love those white puffy clouds!

The sunset one evening; lovely weather for us, thankfully.

The ocean was a bit rougher for this one. Are you able to see the boat out on the water? It seemed to me to be a rather small boat going across those active waves!

Showing the tide coming in that same evening.

It was such a special time as all the family cleared calendars and came!  There will be more about this trip....and all the other things of the past few months as well.  I've lots of pictures!😊


  1. Nellie, I loved all your pictures. The big white clouds was an amazing shot. Hope to see the rest of your photos and hear more about your family gathering. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. I have missed you.

  2. Well, hello, Sister! I've missed your blog, but so happy that we can keep up in other ways. This was surely a trip to remember for ALL of you, and I look forward to seeing even more pictures of that lovely beach. Take care of yourself, and I'll chat with you later. Love you!

    1. Hi, Glenda! Finally got around to transferring pictures.:-)

  3. I like the look of that house you stayed in, Nellie - hope it was as nice inside as out!

    1. The house was ideal for us! One of our daughters made all the arrangements.

  4. Looks like the perfect location.


  5. A vacation at the beach with all of your family is wonderful, Nellie! I so love the ocean and your views are great. I'm glad you are sharing your special time with us! xoxo ♥

  6. I've loved seeing your pictures, Nellie. SC isn't so far away from the Outer Banks where I spent many a happy time when I lived in Virginia. Thanks for the reminder of those happy days I spent on those golden beaches that just go on forever! Deb xoxo

  7. Hi Nellie! This is my first visit to your blog. The photos are wonderful. My favorites are of the house (looks so inviting) and of the "puffy clouds" (lovely and majestic). I am reminded of the importance of taking "get-a-ways"-especially with family and friends. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Nice to see you posting again. : ) Thought you'd quit blogging.
    What a great vacation with lots of great photos. You have made many happy memories.
