The bells have been removed from the door knobs. The ringing they made when someone opened the doors was a nice cheerful sound!
The tree has been packed away until next December. There are new ornaments added each year for the grandchildren, and our granddaughter (5) especially talked about them this year. She pointed out that she didn't have a gingerbread man on the tree and her mother, aunts, and brother did! We'll see what appears next year.:-)
As I cut off the front of the card to use for tags on our gifts next year (do you do this?), I remember the connection we have to the people from whom we received a card this year.
The Christmas Memories book, designed by Susan Branch, is ready to be completed. Friends and family who came to the house during this Christmas season have written words of cheer inside. Our future son-in-law "raised the bar" a bit, so to speak, for the rest of us.:-) Now, the journal awaits my words.
All because of the birth of "one small child."
Tomorrow - "Ready for the New Year!"