Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Christmas tradition....

Yesterday I spent time baking a Red Velvet Cake, something that has become a Christmas tradition.  I baked it for a luncheon today with fellow retired teachers from my school.  The first picture shows the cake after it was finished yesterday.  The second picture shows it after it was cut today for serving.

Incidentally, this cake has been awarded a blue ribbon at our local fair for the past two years!:-)

There were nine of us who gathered at a fellow retired teachers home.  We had a lovely time together.  It was definitely one of the bright spots in the season.

Tomorrow - A "Susan Branch Christmas."


  1. Oh, how I remember those days of GeNelle's Catering, when we made dozens of these luscious cakes! I'm not surprised that you have won blue ribbons, as this is just the BEST Red Velvet Cake I have ever eaten! Are you planning to publish the recipe for this one, too? I have it, but other folks might want to try their hand at it as well. I think I'll try that cranberry casserole; it sounds great!

  2. Oh my gosh that cake looks amazing! I had a piece of one a few years ago and that is a wonderful cake! I'm not surprised that you got a blue ribbon..the way you cook & bake!! Sure wish we were neighbors...lol

