Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Catching up....

It has been a very busy time around here.  My Alma Mater's football team was in the area on Saturday to play a game with a small college in a nearby town, and we met with other alumni on Friday night for dinner.  Game day, however, was rainy, and that put a damper on my football spirit.:-(  We did enjoy the tailgating event beforehand, though.  Oh, Emory and Henry came out the winner of the game!  Yay!!

Sunday was busy as I prepared my entries for the fair - two cakes, a pie, and two loaves of bread.  I am only able to report that the breads both received a second-place ribbon.  The cakes and pie didn't even receive a second nod.  No worries there, though.  Had the cakes won anything, they would have had to remain on display through this week.  As it turned out, I served the cakes on Monday night when I hosted Circle here at the house.  The Husband also has the opinion that the judges missed the boat on the pie.:-)  However, his favorite is apple, and he has been enjoying it here.

Tuesday morning, the Senior Chorus, of which I am a part, performed for a group across town.  This was still the Broadway program which we have done since late spring.  That will be performed a couple more times this fall before we begin performing the Christmas program in late November.  We began rehearsing the Christmas music in August.

Then, on Tuesday evening, there was our local Unit UMW General Meeting.  We have four of these meetings during the year, two of them in the daytime, and two of them are held in the evening. 

That brings us up to today, which will find us attending an organ performance at the Senior Center mid-day. 

So, you see, things have been really busy here!:-)  In between everything, I am continuing to work on compiling training folders for the up-coming Conference UMW Annual Meeting/Training event at Lake Junaluska.  While I have agreed to be nominated for the position of Secretary of Program Resources for the Conference, with the election to take place at the Annual Meeting, I was also asked if I would serve as Interim for this position, filling out the term for the current office holder as she is experiencing declining health.  That means I will be conducting training for the District SPR women, so I have a few things to put together for them.

There have also been a few projects underway here in the past few weeks.  That will be the focus of the next post.  The bread recipes will also be coming up in the near future.

Thank you so much for reading!  I really appreciate your comments.


  1. I am quite sure that those cakes and the pie have been enjoyed by people who are more special to you than those judges! I'll look forward to those bread recipes, whenever you have a chance to post them.

    You are involved in many worthwhile endeavors, and I hope you stay healthy to enjoy all of them! I LOVED those Broadway tunes that your group did, and I'm sure others have enjoyed them as well. Looking forward to that Christmas music!!

  2. You are such a busy lady, involved with many important causes.

    I will be waiting for the bread recipes.

  3. Well, congrats on the two can't win them all, you know. It sounds like you have been very busy and going to stay that way- xo Diana

  4. I'm tired just listening to your schedule. Wow. You are one busy lady. Your cakes and pie were certainly enjoyed. I'm sure your guests would have awarded them 1st place winners.

  5. You ARE busy!

    But it's good to be busy!

    Enjoy all of it!


  6. My goodness Girlfriend. You ARE a busy gal! Don't you love it though? I always have.
