Sunday, September 30, 2012

In print....

Are there any of you who subscribe to this magazine?

The October issue.

There is an article inside featuring the place where Country Girl is employed!

As it appears.

They are fortunate to have Country Girl on their staff.  She is quite knowledgeable when planning outdoor adventure activities! 

Thank you for reading.  I love reading your comments.


  1. I have never seen the magazine but it sounds like something I would like.

    I hope you are having a blessed Sunday Nellie!

  2. No, I don't read that magazine.

    In fact, I hardly read any magazines. Only sub. to the new "Victoria" magazine.

    I was subbing to many, and not reading them. So that's why I culled my subs. Again, it's just me.


  3. I do not get this magazine, but would love to read the article. That place has won so many awards, and I agree that they are fortunate to have Country Girl on their staff. She's a natural "outdoor person," and has such a caring, jubilant personality that I'm sure everyone who meets her loves her. I wonder whether this mag would have a website....hmmmmm....might have to check that out!

  4. No, I don't get this magazine either. In fact I don't subscribe to any. I read them at the library.

  5. I wish I had seen that magazine. I will look for it next time I am at the grocery store. How fantastic to have your daughter in there. Is that Andie McDowell on the cover? I love that title of the article, I would love to read about an American Eden. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. I don't know who Country Girl is Nellie but if you say so then I believe you!!! I'd love to see that magazine too. I'm sure I can find Town & Country at the local book store.

    Thanks for sharing and congratulations to Country Girl!!!

  7. Wowee! Featured in Town and Country! Isn't that wonderful!!
