Friday, June 28, 2013

Reading on Friday....

Happy Friday to everyone!  Are you happy to have a week-end ahead?  Perhaps you have some exciting plans. 

I posted earlier about last week-end.  Oddly enough, it was a rather low-key week-end, and I found time to complete this book.

The author is Ellie Roscher.

This is a non-fiction book from the current UMW Reading List.  Ellie relates her experiences from a year spent in mission in Lascano, Uruguay.  I found it to be quite a moving account of her time there.

Another book I like to have visible during this time of year is this one.

Another local author.

In this book, the author tells of her memories of summers returning to visit her grandmother in the town in which she was born, having moved away while she was young. 

I have already begun my next book - Her Place at the Table - a woman's guide to negotiating five key challenges to leadership success.  This book is also on the UMW Reading List in the Leadership Development category.


  1. Again, those books look most interesting, especially the wonderful illustrations! Thanks for sharing!

  2. It sounds like a great book


  3. Happy Friday to you Sweet Nellie!

    The illustrations alone are enough to draw me into this book!


  4. I'm afraid I won't be doing any reading this weekend, Nellie. We're "playing" the Picnic Game at my blog and there's tons to do before the virtual guests arrive:)

    Thanks for sharing these selections though, the illustrations are inviting:)

  5. I am so sorry that your little one, your pet, has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. They stay with us, become a part of us, depend on us, and we on them really. When they leave us it is stark and sad. I hope you have another one to love soon. xox

  6. Spilled coffee picture! What an eye catching book cover!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Oh, Nellie, I so love Nikki Giovanni and particularly cherish this poem. She has a poem called "Legacy" which is one of my very favorites by her!
