Friday, December 21, 2012


Winter has officially arrived!  This morning, we have very cold temperatures around our area, with a predicted low tonight into the teens!  No snow or flurries here thus far, though.

A few months ago, I posted about a couple of road construction projects in our community.  Those projects have been completed.

Bridge replacement - uphill

Bridge replacement - downhill

New road

New traffic signal

While the bridge replacement work was being completed, the road was closed for about three weeks, forcing us to take a detour.  Recently reopened, it is really an improvement!

While the new road is also an improvement, we have been given an additional traffic light!  Now we will have to leave home earlier to allow for that extra light.  In the last picture, you may be able to see that we were "caught" when the light turned red.

Next post - spotted! 

Thank you for reading.  I really appreciate  your comments.


  1. Nellie- I don't think the road construction ever ends in this area. At least yours is finally done. We have a major highway that they have done in sections and it has been ongoing for about 5 years- WAY too long. They ended up taking out the biggest share or stop lights and put in roundabouts instead. Most people don't know how to use them so it is a mess. Hope you have a great day- STAY WARM! xo Diana

  2. That does look like an improvement, and the good thing about red lights is that they give you a chance to snap a picture when you're not moving! Happy the road is now reopened for you, as that detour took you MANY miles out of your way!

  3. Sorry about the additional time you have to spend on the road. But if a traffic light was installed, I hope it will be for more safety.

    If you have cold temps, you have a chance of snow!!!! :-)

  4. Road construction can be such a huge pain in the butt. It's always soooooo nice when it's finished. We just went through one on one of THE busiest roads in our area and OMG... it was awful. Thank goodness it was opened back up at Thanksgiving and wasn't closed during the Christmas shopping crunch!

  5. There is always some kind of road work going on around where I live. But at least they keep trying to improve the traffic flow.
