Saturday, December 22, 2012


Happy Saturday to you!  Are you glad to have the week-end arrive?  Have you had a busy week?  What about that list?  Are you making progress on it, or is there more to do?

This past week has been a very busy one for me.  The chorus gave three performances!  One was across town, requiring a little less than an hour to reach.  It was there, however, that we probably saw the most promising sight.

Is that Santa?

Caught in the act!

Yes!  Santa actually made an appearance!  All of us were quite quick to reassure him that we had definitely been good!  He even gave out gifts! 

Our final chorus performance of the season was on Thursday, so we put up the Christmas music, and put our "costumes" away until needed once more in the future.  Rehearsals will resume in the New Year.

Still work to do around here on that list!  Technology isn't always my friend, and there have been a few snags in some of the things I wanted to do.  Oh, well.  I just think back to the days when what I had on the list wasn't even an option.:-) 

I hope you will enjoy your week-end!

Thank you for reading.  I really appreciate your comments.


  1. Nellie, Hope you get it all done in time. For me it's ...the hurrier I go the behinder I get.:)
    Enjoy yourself . Merry Christmas to you and yours. xo,Susie

  2. Bitter/sweet... To have the concerts over... :-)

  3. I'm quite ready to not have to think about anything Christmas related and just get back to the regular, everyday stresses. I find it all very overwhelming!

  4. I'm all set and just enjoying the holiday. There is only the two of us so it's been stress free around my house.
    Merry Christmas!!

  5. Nellie- I suppose you will be kind of happy/sad to be done with your singing for the Season?! I'm with you- I am not too techy but I remember back when I didn't even know how to turn a computer on. We've come a long way, baby! xo Diana

  6. I am DEFINITELY happy with the technology that allows us to have a bit more stress-free shopping, without having to fight traffic and crowds, only to learn that the size/color/style we wanted is no longer there! Most of my shopping this season has been online, with only a few items actually picked out at a store. Now, I just have to get everything put into gift bags or boxes....and that could take half a day!! Oh, and there's one more church dinner tomorrow night, and I think I have my contribution to that under control. We shall see.... :-)

    I sure wish I had been able to hear the chorus at least once this season, but I'm afraid there were conflicts with the times that would have been close enough for us to travel. Maybe next season... :-)
