Saturday, November 22, 2014

Is it too late....

....for me to read this book?

I want to be sure I have everything I need to cover the first Thanksgiving feast!:-)  

Perhaps this one would be more up-to-date.

While beginning preparations for Thanksgiving, this might be a good focus.

Creating images of times past!


  1. Those all look like great books, but I always end up hungry because there's always so much good food pictured! Enjoy your reading, Sister, and have a super Saturday!

  2. Lovely books to read at this time of year. Beautiful photos.

    I'm sure you'll have a great feast with beautiful table settings. Happy Thanksgiving Nellie.

  3. Nellie, All those books look like a good read. The last one makes me think of the song we sang in school. Since I did not live far from my mom's house, my daughters would sing, "Over the tracks and down the street, to grandma's house we go." I laugh just thinking of them in the car, with our pitch in foods, singing that short distance. This is going to be a busy week for many of us . Hope you enjoy everyday of it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Hard to believe Thanksgiving is almost here. Time passes faster and faster the older I get.

  5. Some good books to read before Thanksgiving. I can hardly believe it will be next week!!!

  6. Not only should you read them all Nellie...You should share one on Cookbook Wednesday!!!

    Thanks for sharing, Nellie...In case I don't "see" you before Thanksgiving, wishing you and yours a very Happy, Safe and stuffed Thanksgiving filled with delicious stuffing and cherished memories!!!

  7. Lovely books Nellie. I do so love books about the Pilgrims.

  8. I don't think it is too late. I love these kinds of seasonal books.

  9. Lots of good reading in all of them. So enjoy this time of year!

  10. Hi Nellie....I skipped Thanksgiving reading. There is a stack of Christmas books on my bedside table. I'm enjoying them each night before I go to sleep. Susan

  11. I think all of those books would be good, but I love the picture on the last one. Brings back memories of special times when I was young.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Cindy Bee

  12. It's only too late to participate in the first Thanksgiving - but reading books? You're still golden.

    Happy holidays and God bless.
