Saturday, July 26, 2014


How is your week-end starting?  I know some of you had some special plans.

After the past week, I am glad to say that this particular week-end is strangely unplanned!  This past week was full of appointments.

Monday, it was good to have a good report from that regular dental checkup.

Tuesday, retired teachers from my school - eight of us attending - met for lunch.  Somehow I have become the coordinator for these monthly events.:-)

Wednesday, it was off to the optometrist for that yearly exam.  Seems to be time for considering the next step for a cataract or two.

Thursday, it was time for our area retired teachers association meeting.  These meetings are held at a downtown location.

Friday evening was the date for the seniors of our church to have our once-yearly pot luck supper.  I've begun taking green salads to these events, and there were no leftovers to bring home last night!

So - I'm ready to have a week-end with nothing extra on schedule.

I send you my best wishes for a relaxing, stress-free week-end!

Thank you for reading.  I really appreciate your comments.


  1. WOW!!! After the busy week you've had, I'm sure you're past ready for a day with nothing special staring you in the face! Enjoy your Saturday, Sister, and I hope your Sunday will also be peaceful and relaxing, with time for worship and fellowship!

  2. Always a wonderful thing to have un scheduled - down time, lets the soul work. I quite often take Green salads to Pot luck events and find they go over well. I take them undressed with topping options. There are so many diet issues these days between Gluten free, sugar free and Lactose free - Green salad meets them all happily. Enjoy your unscheduled weekend.

  3. Nellie, That is what I am having next weekend...a relaxing time. My sister and I want to have a day at the park again this coming week. Some thing peaceful. Hope you enjoy this quiet time.xoxo, Susie

  4. Sounds like your week was a busy as ours. Ever since I retired, I have wondered where the time goes. I got more accomplished when I worked full time than I do with all this time available. ha ha - guess I didn't take out much time for fun tho. Enjoy your quiet time. We're having a quiet weekend too.

  5. Busy week.
    Relax and enjoy the weekend. : )

  6. Wow, you sound like your calendar is over busy.
    I used to have a full calendar like that and after I started working for the farm, I retired from all extra activities and guess what. I'm busier than ever, lol...

    Have a great relaxing weekend and spend it with your husband doing something you enjoy, just for you two.

  7. What a busy calendar you've had. I hope this weekend is filled with all sorts of respite.

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