Thursday, May 8, 2014

A call from UMCOR....

How has your week been thus far?  Is the temperature where  you are warmer than usual for this time of year?  We are having temperatures about ten degrees higher than average for us here.

Last week, our church sent word of a call from UMCOR.  The United Methodist Committee on Relief is always ready to respond to disasters.  Last week's storms brought about some special needs.  Because of the great number of people affected, there was a need for additional Health Kits. 

The supplies that go into this kit are simple:  a washcloth, a hand towel not a kitchen towel), six band-aids (usual size), a comb (not pocket, longer than 8 inches), nail clippers or file (not toenail clippers), bath soap (not Ivory), an adult-size toothbrush, and $1.00 for purchasing toothpaste.  These items were packed into a resealable, one-gallon size plastic bag. 

This one is ready to go!

Monetary donations that are made directly to UMCOR go 100% to the disaster relief noted on the donation.  There are no administrative costs taken from those funds.  The administrative costs are covered by a special offering - One Great Hour of Sharing - customarily taken on the fourth Sunday of Lent.  

Oh - the results of the request from our church for Health Kits?  There were 187 taken to the District Office this week!

Thank you for reading.  I really appreciate your comments.


  1. How wonderful that there was such a great response to this need! The pictures of the devastation in those areas are just unbelievable, and I cannot imagine the stress those poor folks are going through. The loss of property is bad enough, but there were many people whose lives were taken because of those storms, and we must pray for God's help and comfort for those who are going through those losses while trying to put their lives back together. Have a blessed day, Sister!

  2. You are providing a great service and like Glenda said prayers are needed for those who people who need help and comfort.
    Great job on the response by your church.
    We're having beautiful weather and I've been working in the yard cleaning out debris. The plants are really shooting up all of a sudden.

    I'm having a great time being in the sun.

  3. I love how people pull together and help others in times of need like this. It's very heartwarming and it always inspires me. There are a lot of wonderful people in the world...

  4. What a wonderful response to a great need Nellie!

  5. Churches help our communities so much. I know everyone who needs one of these bag will feel blessed. xoxo,Susie

  6. That is a wonderful thing to do and a good practical useful things.
    Much warmer than usual here today and I'm loving it. : )

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