Friday, May 16, 2014

The season's helpers....

Welcome to Friday!  Has it been a good week for you?  Do you have some special week-end plans?

There are helpers that those of us with flowers and vegetable gardens like to see at work.  I want to focus on a book that tells about one of them.

Two books illustrated, but I'll only cover the top one in this post.

As the Table of Contents indicates, the book also discusses some other insects as well.

Oh, dear! I don't know how this was printed sideways!
The book How Do Bees Make Honey? is part of the Usborne series of books.  It was originally published in 1994.  Our Munchkins have enjoyed reading books from this series, and I will be showing several of them in the weeks ahead.

Honey bees are vital in the success of our flowering plants for the pollination they provide.  We have seen decreasing numbers of them here.  Although there are other flying insects around, it seems that nothing works quite as well as the honey bee. 

Not only do we need them for pollination, we also enjoy the honey they produce!  Honey that is produced locally is said to be good at discouraging seasonal allergies (hay fever, etc.). 

There can be varied factors affecting the survival of the honey bee.  It is a thought of mine that the use of pesticides on lawns may be one of them.  We use no pesticide or weed killers on our lawn and are happy to see the clover that bees like so well.  We keep hoping its presence might encourage bees to return.

An extra word about yesterday's post - the potatoes I had in the potato bag required eight minutes of cooking in the microwave.  Smaller potatoes, of course, would require less time.
Thank you for reading.  I really appreciate your comments.


  1. Yes, we are seeing decreasing bee populations, and it should be a matter of concern to all of us, as our food supply will be affected! I have a friend who has four hives of bees, and he also has a healthy garden, with NO pesticides!

    Eight minutes is not a bad wait for a baked potato, and now I'm hungry again! Have a great day, Sister, and enjoy these cooler temps!

  2. Nellie, One of my blog pals is Cindy at Hilltop Farm...she is a bee keeper. Has honey galore. I love when she shows and tells about her bees. xoxo, Susie

  3. I have been seeing articles in the newspaper and on TV about the decrease in the bee population. I hope that it can be turned around.

  4. Lovely books and I was in the doctor office reading about bees just today. :)
    I love bees too. Your potato bag is wonderful too. I liked that. You have so many amazing things to share. I hope you have a lovely weekend too.

  5. We do not use pesticide or herbicide on our farm and our hay fields are certified organic. The only fertilizer we use is liquid cow manure that is spread on the land.

    My lawn is full of weeds for the same reason. Pesticide and herbicide is toxic to the bees and we depend on the bees to pollinate the food we grow.

    Good for you for pointing the importance of healthy bees for our survival. Thanks.


  6. Hi Nellie , a great post as usual , thanks for sharing :)

  7. Love honey. Farmer Bill has started raising bees this year. I'm hoping I'll get some honey some day from him. : )

  8. It is sad to think that we are losing our bees, isn't it? The only bees that I don't like are wasps. They will sting-just to sting whether you disturb them or not. But, I don't mind working around honey bees or bumble bees at all. Nice post, Nellie- xo Diana

  9. Honey and biscuits are a favorite at our house. I hope we have lots of pollination happening in our future garden this summer...especially in our pumpkin blooms. We want pumpkins at Halloween!

  10. Very very sad that we are losing our bees. I have really grown to appreciate bees the more I have learned about them over the years. One of my blogging friends has her own beehive and they harvest their own honey! So neat. Have a great weekend Nellie :)

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