Friday, July 19, 2013

Another favorite....

If you have been following this blog very long, you know that I have a "strong liking" of good children's books.  I have mentioned some of my favorite authors of children's books, and today there is another I want to mention.

I'm sure many of you have heard of Beverly Cleary.  Among the books she has written are those with Ramona Quimby as the subject, as well as books about Henry (a boy) and Ribsy (a dog).  Did you know about these which she also wrote?

Also "Mouse and the Motorcycle" is part of this group!  Boy Munchkin is reading it.:-)

The movie always gives an added dimension.:-)

Also, this one -

More appealing to an older reader.

I believe Beverly Cleary's books would be good for any child's library.

Has this been a good week for you?  Can you believe that we actually had a few days in a row with no rain?!? 

I hope you are looking forward to a good week-end.  It is upon  us!  Keep cool while you are relaxing!

Thank you for reading.  I really appreciate your comments.


  1. I have not read a Beverly Cleary book since my children were small, but we always loved them! Yes, we have had some dry days, but I'm ready for these hot temperatures to go away! Can't complain, though, as some folks are much more uncomfortable than we are here. Have a fantastic Friday to end this wonderful week!

  2. Nellie, I have not seen those books before...but then my girls are grown, they are the ones going to the library now for books for children. I did pick up some books called Jake Drake, by Andrew Clements...One on bullys, one on the class clow and one on caoled know-it-all. These books tell the reading level inside the cover. They were on the sale table at the library. Enjoy your weekend. Stay cool. xoxo,Susie

  3. Beverly Cleary is one of my most favorite authors EVER. I have an entire shelf devoted to her in our bookcase. With 8 years between Emma and Josie, I'm glad I still have a little one that will someday enjoy her books all over again.

  4. I can't say that I've ever read or heard of these books. My grandkids may have read them though.
    With you being a school teacher, I'll take your word for it.

    I've been working, weeding, mowing ,knitting, hooking and we got some good rain with thunder showers and humidity. The gardens needed rain and now it will be more mowing, lol.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Hello popped over from Joan's blog congratulations by the way. I love your book selections I have never heard of as I have not picked up a children's book for such a long time. When my girls were young we would scour the bookstores searching for just the right book.These sound very interesting. B

  6. I love children's books so thank you for the recommendations.
    We have a drought here, Nellie. It is not the bad one we had last year, though.
    Happy Sunday.

  7. Oh yes, I remember her books. Both of my kids read them and so did I. Great books.
    More moving work this weekend, but things are shaping up. I'm hoping this will be my last move!!!

  8. My granddaughter loved Beverly Cleary books when she was younger, Nellie. I had forgotten how much she enjoyed them until reading this post.

    Thank you so much for sharing...
