Sunday, February 9, 2025

Black History Month….

 When we think of Black History Month, there are some names that readily come to mind.  One of those, for me, is Harriet Tubman.

This book, by Erica Armstrong Dunbar, is a biography of the woman who is known for the Underground Railroad, an operation to guide slaves to freedom.  It is one that was on the United Methodist Women (now United Women in Faith) reading list a few years ago.  

I was reminded of several details as I reread this book.  The author has, through extensive research, been able to create a family tree for Harriet.  Her grandmother, Modesty, was sold into slavery in the Upper Chesapeake on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  Modesty gave birth to a daughter who was named Harriet, known as “Rit” by her family.  Like many, many others, Modesty disappeared from the record books, and her existence is proven only by her daughter and granddaughter, named Araminta at birth.  It was in later years that “Minty” adopted for herself the name of Harriet. 

Harriet beat the odds.  The years of slavery strengthened her body and her resolve and led to her successful escape.  She crossed the state line of Pennsylvania in the fall of 1849.  Knowing no one, she would have been lonely and isolated.  This is a quote from her later: “There was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom.  I was a stranger in a strange land; and my home, after all, was down in Maryland; because my father, my mother, my bothers, and sisters, and friends were there.  But I was free and they should be free.”  That was her motivation to begin the network that led to freeing countless slaves, including her own aging parents.

Photographs of Harriet through the years.

Harriet didn’t restrict her activism to freeing slaves.  She worked to ensure that black women would be able to march in the Woman Suffrage Procession of 1913.  This was the first large political march organized in the nation’s capital.  The protest centered upon the need for an amendment to the constitution that would offer women the right to vote, a political demand that had been debated nearly sixty-five years earlier.  It would be 1920 before the passing of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.  It was years later, in 1965, that the Voting Rights Act led to voting rights for black Americans.

Unfortunately, Harriet became ill with pneumonia and passed away on March 10, 1913 at the age of 91.

What a remarkable life she led! 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Surviving January….

Such a trite expression to begin this blog post!!  It does not escape me that there are many who did not survive January.  It is heartbreaking news to hear about the plane/helicopter collision over the Potomac River on Wednesday night.  I send thoughts for strength and comfort to those who have suffered unimaginable, unexpected losses.  

This past Monday was Holocaust Remembrance Day, marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  We have said, “Never forget!  Never again!”  A very somber occasion to remember.

Now, to my original intent.  There are those of us who feel like January has been almost unending.  Hold on one more day, friends.  February is just around the corner.

Where we are located, we usually have rather mild winters.  I’ve had an earlier post showing a snowfall we had just about two weeks ago.  In the time since then, we’ve had occasion for nighttime temperatures to be into the single digits!  There are still signs of snow that has been pushed aside as parking lots were cleared.  

In cold times like this, how do we spend our time?  Well, one way was inviting friends for a warming soup lunch.

My favorite….Turkey Wild Rice!  
 The ribs from the Christmas standing rib roast provided the base for Vegetable Beef Soup.
A good friend shared her recipe for Slow-Cooker Chili, and it has been a reliable choice numerous times.

Of course, there is always dessert….
This recipe is called New Year’s Cake….
It uses a cake mix plus a package of instant vanilla pudding, and the result is a light, fluffy cake.
These Snowball Cookies have been popular with our family for years and years!
Adding a little spice to the sugar cookie recipe gave some color to these snowflake cookies.

For several weeks, we anticipated the surprise birthday party of a friend at a favorite restaurant.  After all this time in the kitchen, it was a treat to be able to order from a menu.
Quiche is always a good choice here, and the glazed fruit is a signature side.

Whew!! Are you still with me?  There is just a bit more.  

A special night out with The Husband gave me a chance to order a favorite….fish and chips!
This was his choice….a delicious take on Chicken and Dumplings!

Yesterday was the Lunar New Year….the Year of the Snake.  There are some good qualities for those who are born during this year.  To be precise, this is the Year of the Wood Snake, and people born in this year are said to be charismatic, intelligent, and creative, as well as strategic, mysterious, and stubborn. 

That brings us to today, and this is National Croissant Day!  I have no problem supporting this!

That is all I have at this point, and there is yet one more day to come before we welcome February! 

I appreciate those of you who have held on for all of this post.  There have been periods of time in past years when I had a new post each day.  I remember that I posted more regularly during 2020, especially sharing the “Sunday Dinner” menu when we were trying to hold onto something normal during an abnormal time. 

I remember posting routinely when the United Methodist Women, now the United Women in Faith, had a special event which I attended.  I am an advocate for Social Justice, and I will always take a stand for the oppressed.  

Therefore, my plans for February posts will have to do with Black History Month.  If this is not something that is meaningful to you, then just skip over my entries when they appear on your Blogger screen.  Or….it’s even possible for you to unfollow me.  I am not sure how long my motivation will hold, and I repeat that I appreciate those of you who are following.  May you find moments of joy in each day!


Monday, January 27, 2025

Amaryllis watch….

 We have had some cold, snowy January days.  One bright spot was watching for the amaryllis to bloom.  It was slow to start the process.

Just beginning to show some buds….
The bright color was great for a day without sunshine.
Posted in an incorrect order, this is the best we had with blossoming.
We were grateful for this color, though there have been ones from past years that have been more pleasing.

Did you have an amaryllis this season?  Were you happy with the color?  Red ones really do brighten up a room.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Snow days….

…..don’t happen often here in the Tennessee Valley.  

This was predicted several days in advance, and it arrived as expected.

Sometimes snow days bring special treats….
Waffles for breakfast….
Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Bisque Soup with grilled cheese….
or….homemade pizza.

It’s good to be prepared with a stack of books….

I will admit that I have made very good progress with these!  I’ll need to be on the alert for other titles in the event of another snowy forecast.

The favorite activity, though, is simply enjoying the warmth of the fireplace!

Stay warm and cozy!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A new year….

 A fresh new year calls for a fresh skillet of cornbread….

 It’s always a good accompaniment to our customary New Year’s Day meal….
Black-eyed peas with ham, collard greens, and pickled beets.  Yes, we are fans! 

Sending you the best of new year wishes!