Am I the only one with a freezer where things become lost on the back of shelves?:-) I'd say I'm not - unless some of you are really organized and compulsive.;-)
Recently I took time to do some clearing about of those things that were on the back of the shelves, and I discovered some frozen apples! Let's just say that they were not from last season, and leave it at that.:-)
Anyway, I said to The Husband, "I will just make a cobbler!" So, that is what I finally did!
Forgot the "before" picture.... |
As you are able to see, not only did I forget the "before" photo, I almost forgot the "after!":-)
This is not a very complicated recipe. In fact, I may have posted it at sometime earlier. It is simply called "Batter Pie." I doubled the recipe for this pie.
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup milk
desired fruit pie filling (a can of pie filling, or as much fresh fruit as you like in your cobbler-type pie)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
- Place butter in baking dish; set in oven to melt while making the batter.
- Combine dry ingredients; add milk, stirring to make a batter.
- Remove dish from oven as butter has melted; pour batter over butter; DO NOT STIR!
- Spoon fruit/pie filling over batter; DO NOT STIR here, either!
- Bake in oven 30 minutes, or until top is golden.
We had about four cups of apples, and I believe I remember that they had been cooked a little before we put them in small freezer jars.
Check your freezer! You may have some wonderful treats that you have forgotten!:-)
Oh! That baking dish? It is a Longaberger product, too.:-)
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your comments.