Sunday, May 26, 2013


Many of us have been disturbed by the images we have seen of the damage following Monday's tornado in Moore, Oklahoma.  There are some fund-raising efforts announced in the near future to give assistance to those affected by this devastating storm. 

If you are wanting to do something to help - and have questions about what that might be - let me suggest that you contact your local United Methodist Church and inquire about giving a donation to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief).  100% of all donations with the tornado relief fund designated will go directly to tornado relief - nothing taken out for administrative costs.  If you wish, you may call 1-800-554-8583, and specifically request your donation be given to Advance  #901670.  This is the number for the Moore tornado relief fund, and this is how we plan to donate.

There is another fund - One Great Hour of Sharing - that is already established to handle administrative costs for donations to those in need, and that is why 100% of funds will go directly to the relief effort mentioned. 

This is Trinity Sunday, as well as Peace With Justice Sunday in our church.

The Mission Focus as listed in the UMW Prayer Calendar for 2013 is  Della Lamb Community Services in Kansas City, MO.

May you have a blessed Sunday.


  1. Nellie, I honestly do not know what some of these people would do without kindness from all of us. We recieved no help from the state for the flood damage in our town, so many are having fund raisers here to help. Blessings to all . xoxo,Susie

  2. Nellie, these are great ideas. I so understand disaster relief -- friends are still rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy -- and appreciate relief organizations and the work they do. Have a great Sunday!

  3. These are great ideas Nellie! Thank you!

  4. It's a great thing to donate to the relief fund because we never know when we will be in need of assistance ourselves.

    Have a great Memorial weekend.

  5. I was going to say what Julia said and she beat me to it, so I'll just say, "ditto".

    Hope you are enjoying some pleasant weekend weather!

  6. It's always good to know about organizations that do not take a lot of the money out for administrative costs. Thank you for this suggestion. I also appreciate the work of the Salvation Army during these times. It seems that they do not get the recognition that the Red Cross does, but the percentage of their donations that actually gets to those who need help is much greater than the ARC. They also provide spiritual help for those who need it, and that can go a long way in the actual healing after such an event. Have a wonderful afternoon!

  7. The United Methodist Church org is the best thing around! 5 years ago we had a flood, and through our Methodist church here in town, we received FLOOD BUCKETS! What a wonderful thing. They were packed with all kinds of things and every last thing was useful. They were also packed with love. You felt that as soon as you opened them. We delivered them throughout the flooded area and people were so greatful. You can trust the Methodist to get things to the people who are in need.
