Saturday, April 22, 2017

Earth Day

How are you observing Earth Day 2017?  Are you aware of steps to take daily to care for the environ-ment?  Do you "reduce, reuse, recycle?"  This is an excellent book with good ideas to get started.

Let me know one thing you do to help the life of our planet.


  1. Hi Nellie, oh yes we recycle. Our garbage company provides large rolling cans for our recyclables and another for garbage. It's funny, but a lot of weeks our recycle can is more full than the garbage can. We also compost--it's a great way to get great soil enrichment for our gardens. Hope you are doing well. ♥

  2. We do save our paper for recycling. It's strange, but there are no recycling centers in our town, so we just take our paper to our son's home, where they do have a large blue bin for various products. Wish we could do more, but we're sort of limited by what's considered important here in our town. We always took everything to the dump where we lived before moving down here, as they had special sections for all kinds of disposable products, even electronics and tires! Well, Sister, things are different in various places, so we do the best we can and hope the "powers that be" will see the importance of being more responsible with our disposables. A couple of weekends ago, we had a special "spring break" weekend, and the trash that was just thrown down on the beach was sickening, especially when you realize that there are receptacles every few yards. Just don't understand some folks. Have a lovely afternoon!

  3. Nellie, We recycle books and papers. We re-use many things. I do some composting. If anyone ever lived by a landfill...they would want all to recycle. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  4. Yes, we recycle everything that they will take, the truck comes twice a month to pick up our bin. We also compost, I have two bins half full of finished compost and another one that is "cooking". We try to use the new lightbulbs, and I hang out laundry in the summertime. We try to do our bit!

  5. Hi again, Sister! I forgot to mention one of the simplest things that I do, and that is to use those reusable bags at the grocery store. They are much easier to carry, IMO, and are sturdier than plastic in the first place, so it just makes sense to me to pay a few cents for a bag that will be usable for a very long time! Depending on where you purchase them, they may be washable on gentle, and the cardboard in the bottom can be sprayed with disinfectant and used safely over and over again. Some stores' bags, though, are made of a less sturdy fabric, so you have to be aware of how they're made. I have also found some bags for a few dollars more that will fit over my walker "arms" for easier transport from the car to the apartment, and I enjoy using those, especially for heavier items such as milk or juice.
