Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 May’s project here has become on-going.  The “new face” I thought that was needed in the bathroom after moving into our house seventeen years ago will take awhile before it’s totally picture ready.  



....and almost after....

We do like the change.  That’s a good thing!:-)  It’s also a good thing that the project had no need of interfering with any plumbing already in place and working well!

Have you had any special projects recently?  This one has kept us indoors from the heat and out of the sun, so that’s been a good thing!  It’s like summertime here now!

Staying cool....that’s the order of the day!

Take care!

Monday, May 3, 2021

A visitor....

 Several days ago, we looked out our back door and were surprised to see this visitor....

Mr. Groundhog was happily chowing down on the dandelions and other green growth in our patio area!  He looks quite healthy and happy, doesn’t he?  He paid little attention to the spillover from the bird feeder. While he was definitely not invited, his behavior indicated that he felt quite welcome!  This is the first time we’ve seen a groundhog on our property!  I wonder where he was on Groundhog Day. :-)

I hope you are continuing to stay well.  What is your vaccination status for protection against COVID?  I am grateful for scientists daily!  Our vaccine immunity became effective on February 23, and it has made a huge difference for us!  We are continuing to wear our masks and remember social distancing while taking care of our shopping needs.  Take care, and be safe!