Monday, May 4, 2020

As promised....

Remember when we planted a red pepper half several weeks ago?  I promised to keep you updated.  I am currently not having the desired results when posting pictures to the blog, so I hope you are able to use your imagination.

I will first post a picture from planting, then post others.  First, I must say that what we believe to be the red pepper hasn't fared all that well.  There have been other little seedlings appear, and I think the birds have grabbed them almost right away!

Also, I hadn't shared that we took a potato that was sprouting from the pantry, cut it into pieces with the sprouted eyes on each piece, and planted those!  There are potato plants growing, and The Husband has transplanted them from the original pots!  

We've also scattered some tomato seeds into a pot.  Only time will tell if they will sprout!  No picture today!

We have also planted the bottom of the bunch of celery and the heart of a head of iceberg lettuce!  This is the time for experimental planting, and I'll let you know about the results!

Take care, be safe, and stay well!  Wash your hands!  Wear a mask whenever you go out into public!


  1. Hope your tomatoes grow. You'll be amazed at how many potatoes you'll get from those potatoes pieces.
    I never heard of planting half a pepper but will wait to see if peppers plants will grow. They take a few weeks to sprout usually.

    Hugs, Julia

  2. Nellie, I love seeds and plants grown from our kitchen. Nature never ceases to amaze me! We have some romaine lettuce growing in our compost pile that I hope to get before the bunnies do. Keep us updated on the progress of your plantings.

  3. Good evening, Sister! You and your Husband have had some great successes with "normal" gardening, and these projects should bring you some interesting results! I'll be eager to see what materializes from all your efforts! Take care, give the Husband my love, and we'll "chat" again soon. Love you!

  4. Wonderful! Let's look forward to seeing the fruits soon.
