Monday, September 18, 2023

Take me out to the ball game….

 It has been a few years since we’ve attended a baseball game.  

As you can see, it was a beautiful day to watch the Tennessee Smokies! 
There were many fans in the stands!

No popcorn, peanuts, or cracker jacks this visit!

It was a delicious cheeseburger along with those good summertime favorites….baked beans and potato salad.

We enjoyed this special gathering of area alumni from Emory and Henry College!

Oh!  The Tennessee Smokies won the game 3-1!


  1. Congratulations to the Tennessees Smokies winning team. The food looks good for the occasion.
    Be well and safe Nellie.

  2. How fun and glad to hear your team won. Lovely puffy clouds that day.

  3. A beautiful day for a ball game!!!

  4. Dear Sister, you certainly did pick a perfect day for a baseball game! That burger looks wonderful, and I'm sure the fellowship with your college friends was beyond sweet. Love you!

  5. Love a baseball game...any kind. Glad you had a great day!
