Monday, September 9, 2019

Have you heard?

I have heard that today is National Teddy Bear Day!  Do you have a teddy bear?  If you are a parent, is there a favorite teddy bear still around from times gone by?  Perhaps you have one from your own childhood.  How very special that would be!

A well-loved teddy bear 🐻 knows how valuable he is!  He deserves regular hugs!

Have you hugged your teddy bear today?


  1. Nope, no Teddy Bears left here! Some of them simply wore out from too much loving, while others got lost from too much moving. Special friends they were, though! Love you, Sister!

  2. Nellie, I call my Teddy...teddy bear, so do some of the grandkids. We love giving him hugs, even though he's a bit worn. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo, Susie

  3. Actually I do have a teddy bear and it is sitting on my dresser.

  4. Aww, your teddies are darling, Nellie. My children's beloved bears are downstairs on the guest bed. Poor things are so tired and worn, they sleep all day.
