Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday, May 31, 2015....

The Mission Focus for today as listed in the United Methodist Women 2015 Prayer Calendar is the Neighborhood Center in Camden, New Jersey.

May this day be one in which you find yourself surrounded by love, joy, and peace!


  1. Nellie, The same sweet wishes to you. xoxo,Susie

  2. From what I understand, Camden is a city with great needs, and I'm sure that Neighborhood Center does a wonderful work! Have a super Sunday, Sister! We've had a few raindrops here within the past hour, and we have some thunder now, so rain is looking good for us! Hope your sweet potatoes get a good drink as well! :-)

  3. I wish the same for you as well. : )

  4. I wish the same for you today.

  5. I hope you had a wonderful day- xo Diana

  6. I'm late again, hope you had a wonderful Sunday!
