Sunday, August 2, 2015

The perfect spot....

for early morning solitude....

A nice place to revisit this morning, especially when the washing machine won't start, and the clothes are already loaded in it!  More Monday "merriment!"


  1. Oh, dear! These are the times when I wish we lived closer to each other, as I'd be happy for you to bring your clothes to my house to wash! We could have some really great sister talk while you were here. I hope the repairman will be able to get there soon, and that it will be an easy fix. However it turns out, have a marvelous Monday, anyway. Love you!!

  2. Hope the washing machine has been fixed. I had written a comment and must have forgotten to publish it. Silly me.

  3. Sorry about the washer but take this opportunity to read the book and relax ....Christine

  4. Bummer about the washing machine. Hope you got it fixed. Nice place to sit, for contemplation and coffee.

  5. Oh, no! But a good reason to take it easy, right? :)
