Saturday, March 16, 2019

Weekend wishes....

I know....St. Patrick's Day isn't until tomorrow, but why not honor and celebrate all weekend?  My ancestors would be happy! 💚🍀🍄👒🌈 Still looking for that pot of gold among my emojis!  It isn't here on my iPad.

"Pi Day" was a couple of days ago, and you've already seen the "pie of the day" from here.  I was, however, motivated to continue the pie baking....

Since I had the Bisquick out already, it just made sense to make this quiche.  I've had the recipe jotted down from an unnamed source for awhile....Country Quiche, it's called there.  Later, I saw the recipe in a book called "At Our Table."  In that book, it is called Kinderhook Quiche.  Whatever you call it, I call it delicious!

After blending 4 eggs, 1 1/2 cups milk, 1/2 cup melted butter, and 1/2 cup Bisquick (add some salt and pepper, if you wish), pour that into a dish that has been lightly oiled/greased.  Then, add 1 cup of shredded cheese and 3/4 cup cooked ham (could use bacon, sausage, or even make it veggie and use steamed broccoli), and lightly press them below the surface.  It will look something like this....

Then, place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes, or until set.

Voila!  Delicious for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner!

Have a good weekend!


  1. Thanks for the inspiration...I love ham quiche and make some once in a while but I think that half a cup of butter is a bit too rich for my health as the cheddar already has some fat in it.
    I use butter quite often in small amounts to saute mushrooms and onions for the quiche. I agree with adding the broccoli. One of my favorite veggie. I don't pre-steam it and just add it along with the egg mixture.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Glad I've already had lunch because this would really make me hungry, Sister! Sounds really easy, and I think I may try it soon. Sure wish the price of eggs would come down! Love you!

  3. Nellie, That looks so good. I love that cute plate too. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  4. We love quiche, Nellie! Your recipe looks so good. I've been making crust less quiche since I've been eating a low carbohydrate diet. It's still delicious as I'm sure your's is as well. Your pie plate is very pretty.
